I started looking around though last night and thought...what in the world are you going to do with all of this stuff....lol!
OK...time to get busy! I have chicken wire stretching, A Princess whining for Cinnamon toast and glitter calling my name!
Behind the scenes and up close and personal with my growing family. DIY fun, life hacks, recipes and the all the other craziness life brings us.
OK...time to get busy! I have chicken wire stretching, A Princess whining for Cinnamon toast and glitter calling my name!
I took a little trip down memory lane during all of this and had a GREAT time...I discovered all my little alter ego's are still tucked away inside! ... I LOVE fun clothes, fun makeup, fun accessories, etc....I have a little Inner Funk that is always screaming to get out!
I grew up in a rural area outside of DC and Annapolis (on a farm)....I LOVE the country and have never wanted to be a City girl, but I do think that you get a bit more Fashion Forgiveness in the city.
And then, there is this Uber romantic girl tucked inside who LOVES lace, ruffles and the whole Jane Austen/Victorian era. I am a mess....Lucky for me I had a Grandmother and Mother who were very fashion savvy. They were always ahead of their time but perfectly in sync with the fashion world, if that makes any sense??? It was great! I am certain that is where it started...but I digress....
I was doing a little web-surfing and Blog jumping and came across a few things that I LOVED!! Screaming to me and my little alter personalities!!! Love the make-up here....and the name of her shop "LimeCrime"!! Love it!....
Anyway..when I was in the 8th/9th grade, Benetton and Esprit were soooo popular, along with Cyndi Lauper and Madonna, I can remember matching my eyeshadow(s) to my outfits! My stepfather was a guidance counselor at our school and he could barely deal with my daily makeup art - and it really was a work of art!!
I want one of these.....
Check this bad Girl out!! Wouldn't it be AWESOME to wear this somewhere?!?!?!? This girl has some serious talent!
There are so many other Funk-a-licious items out there!
This was fun....