Friday, January 28, 2011

Warm and Cozy in my Cowl

I knit up a Cowl over the past weekend. I put it to use the other night when I was cleaning my car off in the was MUCH warmer before it got all sopping wet in the snow!

It was so easy, I didn't even count anything! No pattern, just knit... I wanted something simple and washable that I could just throw on with everything.

This fit the bill...
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Snow Day!

We finally had a real snow storm last night...the weather men had been crying wolf so much this year that nobody took them seriously...until it dropped over an inch in less than an hour..People got serious then!

I worked last night and drove home in ABSOLUTE terror! I slid all over the place and questioned my decision to have stayed for my full shift at work...I am a pretty confident driver in all weather, but I didn't account for the roads not being touched AT ALL by the snow plows. I was a wee bit scared when my car went sliding all over the place on one of our country roads. I was having major "flashes".....I promptly came home and broke all my rules...Ate junk and even had a glass (or two) of wine!

I tried to take a picture last night at a stop light because it was so beautiful...and crazy...kinda like my life...but the pictures wouldn't come just looked like crazy streaks of white! I snapped this picture this looked like there is a little opening to heaven in the sky just above the pretty!

Which brings me to a Snow Day!!
Today we are going to eat Pizza for lunch...
Watch Movies in our Jammie's....
Read, Knit, or whatever our little hearts desire...
Have Soup and Panini's for dinner..none of which will be low fat!
I have laundry to do, dishes to put up, rooms to clean and a million other things...but guess what...none of them are going to get done today!

I hope you have a great day!!!
Friday, January 21, 2011

A Proper Birthday dedication post

I discovered that last year I didn't give my son a proper Birthday Dedication on this here blog...what kind of mother am I????

So, without further a-do....

Jacob; AKA ~ The Senator turns 13 today. He is a FINE example of a young man. Insanely smart, SUPER sweet, such a good kid. Finding his way into the depths of adolescence. I know that he is going to be such a wonderful man that I feel it is only right to let me keep him a "little boy" just a while longer!!! Why won't anyone cooperate with me on keeping these kids from growing up on me?!?!?!

Jacob came into this world wrapped in the Wings of an Angel ~ spent a week in the NICU and beat some pretty mean odds. I used to snuggle him when he was a baby like someone was trying to rip him away from me...I never wanted to let go of the little bugger.

Last year for his birthday I took a picture that spoke a MILLION words....I want to you to look at it and tell me if you don't think it looks like he has little Angels flying in a halo around his head or all the beautiful wishes that are coming from his cake....

It is getting harder to get pictures of my fine young man, but I have managed to snap a few along the way. He is so handsome....I love that freckled little face!!

Thursday, January 20, 2011


My kids amaze me every day. Some times in the best of ways and other times not so was a good one!

I have always said that Hayden has a passion about him. It is what gives him his spunk, his fire, his fight and his unbelievably BIG heart. We share a very special bond together because we have been through a lot together...more than most kids should have to go through. I see a lot of myself in him and today he brought home a poem. It was a writing exercise that they had to do in class, but it made me tear up because I could feel his passionate little heart in this short little poem. I hope he keeps writing his thoughts...I used to do it all the time when I was younger, it helped me express what I couldn't say out loud.

I wanted to share part of it with you....

Hayden Lee
Honorable, Knowledgeable and Strong
Brother of Lily, Jacob and Breeanna
Loves his family, sports and food
Feels happy with friends, and watching sports
Gives love, happiness and care....

I loved the way he described himself as honorable and strong, and most importantly, knowledgeable. I loved that he included food in his "love" because food is such a battle for him most days....And, he couldn't have hit the nail harder when he said he gives love, happiness and care. 

I LOVE That Boy!!!

Maybe I am feeling a bit "emotional" or maybe I am just so happy to see that he isn't jaded or angry about all the nonsense he has been put through his whole life...whatever it is, it made me a very happy Mama.

If you ever want to read more about Hayden, check out our other blog

The Big 5

Lily's actual birthday was yesterday. I can't believe she is 5...I feel like we have crossed out of the "little" ~ toddler phase and are officially in the "kid" stage.

There is no going back...she is growing up,they all are, but she is my baby,...and I can't stand it!
...I have been scanning over pictures of her from the past several years. I am amazed at how much she continues to change and become more beautiful with each day.

Her imagination grows just as much as she does...she is a creative little bean with so much energy, and HI-larious antics! You would not believe some of the stuff she comes up with...I know we can't believe it half the time!
Follow me on a little stroll down memory lane if you will....

2007 ~ First birthday (dinosaur poster for her brothers party)

Spring ~ Summer of 2008

 Thanksgiving 2008

Apple Picking 2009
 Classic Lily look 2010

 Late summer early Fall 2010

 Christmas 2010

Some of my favorites this year....

Thanks for sharing in my memories....
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A Snow Princess and Cinderella

I fell off the blog planet for a brief time ~it was all for a good reason....I got wrapped up planning and creating a Winter Wonderland in my house for a special little Princess who will be turning 5 very shortly.

We planned a Snow Princess Party and invited Cinderella to attend along with Lily's best little girlfriends. I scooped up tons of silver and snowflake decorations right around Christmas when everything was going on sale and added it to my stash of holiday decorations. It turned out magical...everything a little girl could possibly hope for!

We had PB&J's shaped like snowflakes
Snowball Meringues
Strawberries covered in Snow (powdered sugar)
Cupcakes with Marshmallow frosting
Birds nests filled with chocolate eggs
& Princess Punch
Here is the Grand tour.... 

Cinderella was absolutely Beautiful & Magical!!! Her arrival threw Lily for a loop...she was  incredibly overwhelmed and became the shy Lily we all know to well. Thankfully when we were taking pictures she had warmed up to her, but when Cinderella was singing to her, she could barely look at her...Cinderella was very understanding because she actually knows Lily first hand (she never even recognized her the entire time she was here!!!) and we had discussed what we thought would happen. After Cinderella left ~ Lily never stopped talking about her...literally! I think she fell asleep talking, lol.