Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Spring has officially started in these parts...

Strawberry plants starting to peek through the left over winter debris...(Martha would be SO disappointed in how I left my plants and pots to "winter" over..)
My favorite Russian Sage showing through... Golf Clubs made their way out of the garage...

There is a little girl who has missed her

The bejeweled sandals...
My yard is starting to be green house and yard are like a Castle surrounded by a mote....there is yucky water all the way around it. If I keep thinking of it like a castle maybe it will make the mosquito ponds seem more romantic???

Old Dog soaking up the sun...
Young dog soaking up the sun (minus my shadow)
Mommy and Lily enjoying some porch time...

The Renovations have begun.....Hayden has decided he wants to paint and "customize" his old bike...

Mom's projects.....Corner Cabinet redo

And Lily's project....tool box redo

I Spring.....Everything OLD is NEW again!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Week's Worth of Adventures

3- Trips to the Orthopedic
1- MRI
1- Kidney Stone passed
1 - trip to the Pediatrician
4 - trips to the Pharmacy
3 - events in a row at our shop
1- Hysterical night of Crafting with NON crafty girlfriends and too much wine
1 morning of feeling VERY old...
1 afternoon filled with beautiful sunshine
1 - book Read
The opportunity to take a step back and put things into perspective.
Monday, March 15, 2010


I promise not to spill my dark and stormy feelings out on my blog again...

I feel better at first (to get it out to the faceless blog land..) and then I feel remorse for sharing my sad thoughts with the world....

I do Promise to share some of what has been making our family (and me) feel dark and twisty lately...

BUT... I have to promise to do it in a way that will respect the privacy of my loved ones involved...I get in trouble A LOT for being so honest and open....

That part may be tricky...

I wish I could Promise to understand better what brought us to this point....I am working on it, but having a hard time.

I also wish I could Promise to forgive faster....I am working on that one also....I know that I have been granted many forgiveness's in my life.

And I REALLY PROMISE that if the sun would shine this would all be so much easier! And I don't make Promises lightly...

post edit: I also promise not to use "And" at the beginning of a sentence anymore...I am sure that my English Teacher/Proofreader Grandmother is rolling in her grave right now...
Friday, March 12, 2010

Grey or Gray

It has been Gray all week...Rainy and Gray today...and I am feeling all dark and twisty like Meridith Grey.

I don't enjoy this Gray' is messing with my creative ju-ju....

It's messing with my "open book" life policy that I have with myself and the world....

I want it to GO AWAY!!!

I want to feel all warm and fuzzy again.....I want sunshine to shine. Even when there wasn't really that much just felt like it was there.

It needs to end...

I need some light....
Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Borrowing some Inspiration

I am borrowing some inspiration from one of my favorite people...I have never met her but I sure would like to...I bet we would be fast friends! I read her blog and feel like I am talking with an old friend...a match made in heaven in my book!

She made me forget for a few minutes about what has really on my mind lately... Our family is in crisis right now and it is consuming us. I wish I could close my eyes, wiggle my nose and make it all go away...but I am pretty sure that is not going to happen. I have been coping and comforting my children...I would rather be crafting and soaking up the sunshine with them...something I usually like to do to take my mind off of things. I know that we are not many friends, customers, and other families these days seem to be "going through" something. It is a sad. put me in a happier ~ more peaceful place ~ I am going to pick out seeds for my garden, put some fresh flowers in a vase and look at pictures of happier times.

Pulling out some of my favorite moments from last summer....Thanks for the Inspiration Jeanne!

Looking forward to Brighter ~ Happier Days....