Friday, September 30, 2011

All Grown Up

Homecoming was this past weekend.... I have always loved Homecoming - probably because it and all of its activities take place in my absolute favorite time of year, Fall!!

Our Homecoming was early this year..much earlier than I ever remember it being. It rained so long and so hard the day of the football game (actually for days prior too) I thought I was going to need an ark to get home. Put a damper on the pun intended. The day of the dance, the sun finally came out!

I was so happy that my daughter wouldn't be a soggy mess going to the dance, and I am pretty sure that she was happy too! I still can't get over how grown up and BEAUTIFUL she has become!

I love this picture of her and her Dad. We feel it best for him to start wearing his uniform 24/ know, keep the boys away ....
I also fell in love with the way her hair turned out...I took so many pictures of it. She has the most beautiful hair to start with, but the side french braid into a bun looked gorgeous on her!

My baby is growing up...I must have cried 10 times that day just looking at how beautiful she is - INSIDE and OUT!

PS: on a Lily note....Lily is adjusting so much better to school. We still have a "moment" here or there, but they are becoming less frequent. I am so glad she is starting to enjoy herself more!!
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Week 2

We have moved into the 2nd week of school and the tears have not stopped. They were just as bad this morning as they were last week. I am really hoping that by the end of this week the tears will be gone!!! Lets keep our fingers crossed!!!

I have been trying to keep myself busy in The Glitter Lounge while Lily has been at school. I have made many-a-accessory prior to the start of school...Lily has her very own Accessory line! I will be showing that to you next week!!!

Today I want to show you a little something I made for one of my favorite girlfriends! It was for her Birthday, and I LOVE the way it turned out! Love it!!

Using Vintage Mother of Pearl buttons and a little velvet ribbon, pearl chain and a few little rhinestones...I made this little beauty! I love the way it turned out!
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

School...and all the Tears...

This week is the first long week of school....between staggered entrance for Kindergarten, Earthquakes and Hurricanes it has been a little tough completing a week of school.

Yesterday I put Lily on the bus - she was in total hysterics - I was in a cold sweat and on the verge of tears....This was NO picture perfect moment!

As soon as I loosened her grip on my rain coat and exited the bus, I busted out in tears. It was horrible, and still feels horrible....just thinking about it makes me tear up. I have never had a child go through this before. I know she has an issue with separation anxiety....but I prayed this wouldn't happen! I prayed that she wouldn't feel the anxiety each day....but it is happening. Most people don't believe me when I tell them she has a bit of a "separation" issue. They usually look at me as if I am crazy... right up to the moment when they see her white knuckles attached to my clothing! She is such a happy little girl, so funny and full of excitement! But only after she gets comfortable with her surroundings....and usually only if there is a "familiar" face with her.

I don't negotiate when it comes to situations like this. I have to stand firm....while my knees are weak and my stomach is flopping around like a fish out of water....I can't give in. They (all the professionals...) tell me it is the wrong thing to, I just cry all day thinking about it! I can't help but worry if she is feeling sad or scared. It is causing me just as much anxiety as it is causing her!

I fretted all day...worried about how she was feeling. When she finally came home, she was just as happy to see me as I was to see her. Her sweet little face was priceless coming off that bus. She still was pretty unhappy about her ride to school...and about having to stay there all day...but she was very happy to be home. I didn't have the heart to tell her that she had to go back tomorrow....

I pray tomorrow goes better.....praying.....really - really hard!
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Good BYE Irene

I know traditionally the saying is "Goodnight Irene" but this week - after the lovely Hurricane Irene was here to is a big FAT GOOD BYE!!!

She wasn't too horrible to us...mostly wind damage and power outages. We did a lot of "House Camping"...not the most fun end of the summer but we made the best of it!

I am very happy to have our power fully restored - and some nice yummy food in the refrigerator! I did hear a tiny rumor that there is another hurricane brewing, but I am pretending to not hear it...

The morning after the hurricane we headed down to my grandfathers. He is only 5 miles away from us and right on the tip of a little peninsula....needless to say he didn't have any power and there was a tiny bit of flooding in his basement. We made it a family affair!

After a mile long walk to his house...we couldn't get anywhere closer because of downed trees and branches...and power lines!! It was kind of scary....we did our chores and then the kids took off to collect bottles and whatever else they could pull from the creek bed while the tide was so far out.

They really had a great time and found a really cool collection of bottles. They even came across a snake...NOBODY was very happy about that! They all scattered...including my husband! lol...

 If you notice, Lily has her ears covered the entire time we were there because of the wind. She is so sensitive to the "noise" the wind makes.
This is ONE of the trees that prevented our ability to drive down the road. I felt horrible for the people who live in this house...they were very lucky to have had no injury to themselves. This tree was HUGE!!!

And here is our oldest standing on a HUGE of 6 that fell like dominoes in our back yard. I personally did not take or condone this fact I freaked out when I saw her up there and started screaming like a maniac for her to get down.....they all thought I was crazy! ...I am, but that is besides the point!!