Sunday, April 5, 2015

This beautiful collection of hues arrived in my inbox this morning (and probably many of yours). I love everything about it.. These are the colors I prefer for  Easter, not necessarily the bubble gum pinks and neon yellows!

This is the first time I haven't been with all my children for a holiday - I am not a fan of this. So today, I have taken the time to regroup a little. I wrote a few notes to people who were on my mind, had a mimosa with my mother, lounged...and PINned a lot of new things.

I hope that you are having a wonderful, relaxing Easter Sunday filled with great memories!
Monday, March 30, 2015
My Goodness! How times have changed... it has been 2 years since my last blog post and soooo much has changed!
  • I took a part time (full time) job as an events coordinator, left the same job...
  • Watched my kids grow up into young adults and cried a little along the way..
  • Opened a brick and mortar shop - YEAH me...
  • Started the journey as a single mom... not very yeah, but we are getting through

I have thought many times about starting my blog up again, and now I am just going to jump out there and do it. The same way I do every thing else... lol.

This blog will be reinvented a bit. It will still be about my crazy journey through life, but it will include a few more tips and tricks that I have found helpful in my current lifestyle. Such as DIY, Coupons, Design or redesign on a budget, Budgeting, my décor style, being a single mama, finding some peace in life...

Hope you follow along....