Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Photo Fun

I started following along in the Photo365 Challenge by Fatmumslim. I LOVE it!!! It is right in line with my other goals for 2012. I love taking pictures and it is so fun and easy with my handy dandy iPhone!  I barely get out my  BIG camera anymore!

I thought I would share a few of the ones I use!

First off...Instagram. Great way to share photos



My go to Apps on my iPhone to edit photos or add fun words:

I am sure that there are MANY more, but these are the ones I use the most! 

Have fun, check it out....follow along if you want!

OF course, I don't always follow it EXACTLY...I didn't take a picture of the inside of my fridge. Nobody wants to see that! Plus, for some reason when I feel that I HAVE to do things a certain way, sometimes I buck the system and bit...can't help it....don't know what gets into me??

A few examples:

Monday, January 30, 2012

Getting Crafty

I have been having so much fun creating Crafty Valentines Decor! Margie's Ecourse really helped to jump start this! She had some great ideas - just fun stuff that got me motivated! Here are a few things that I did....


I also made about a dozen different garlands and just realized that I don't have any pictures of them! I'll snap one tomorrow and post it! 

I also decided to host a Craft Night at my house. I have always talked about doing it with a group, but usually only do a one on one thing.

I gathered all my supplies, purchased enough of a few things for everyone. It was so much fun to gather all my goodies! I loved pulling all the colors out and grouping them for Valentines Day. It inspired me to start doing this more often...for other holidays, to keep my creative energy going.
I love to be inspired! 
Who doesn't??
This little bird in a nest was inspired by a swap I participated in last year. 
I received so many pretty little birds! I have been keeping them up all year long, just keep updating them with the holiday decor.

I made this Banner using chipboard and some Valentines paper. Threw a few little extras on and there ya go!

I hope that some of my pictures have inspired you to go get crafty!
Friday, January 20, 2012

Mornings with Pop

A collection of this past weeks moments

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

6 years with the Bean

I love watching my children grow, but I really wish that they would stop....

My baby is turning 6 today! I can't really believe that 6 years have gone by already....I think we all say that, but it really is hard to grasp sometimes!

I have mentioned that this child completed our circle of love...she really completes the "Mom" piece of my life. She just fills me up! She is like my little "soul mate".

We took a little trip to Candy Land for this Birthday!

Every day I thank God for this beautiful child. She has been an amazing gift to me! 
Monday, January 16, 2012

Learn and Grow

I have signed up for 2 online workshops this month.
I am really loving them both....

I sometimes forget how much I love both, Paint and Mixed media and Paper crafting!

I have been spending so much time lately on jewelry and jewelry design I haven't done much of anything else.

The first workshop is Jeanne Oliver's

I am so inspired and motivated to create again!

The second is Margie Romney-Aslett's

Spark the Event

Online Ecourse. Super cute projects today. Fun banners and Garlands today...can't wait to see what Wednesday has to offer!

Lots to look forward to this week!

Sunday, January 15, 2012


We have some winners!

I have gotten 5 comments on my little blog here...so I will be sending those lucky ladies out a cute little handmade treat!

It was nice to hear from a few of you,
I was starting to hear crickets chirping...

I don't mind talking to myself, but it is nice to
know somebody is listening...

otherwise, people start to talk about you and think your crazy!


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

First 5

Checking to see who is paying attention....Little Fun for the New Year!!

I saw this on one of my FAVORITE people's FB post a couple of nights ago and I thought it was such a great idea! Plus, it keeps in line with - sending more snail mail!

SO! The first 5 people to leave me a comment on this post - I will send something Hand made from me to you!

I'm excited, are you???


Just Leave me a comment and include your email where I can reach you!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

What a great idea!

I think this is such a great idea! I saw it on Skip to my Lou the other day!

You know what else is great?? I have everything I need to complete the project...lol.

Craft Hoarder, right here....

My Lil' loves herself a bag...any kind of bag...so this is a perfect little project for her and all her little "stuff".

I will of course be doing the sewing and following THIS tutorial!
Monday, January 9, 2012

One man's tool

This knife is well worn and well used. 

It was used for everything.

It has been sharpened many times over. 

It has seen many mornings and nights in my Pops kitchen.

Now I use this knife to cut the hole in my Pops water bottle for a straw.

Not what it was once used for...
Friday, January 6, 2012

Mornings with Pop

Since the beginning of June 2011, my cousin, his wife and I have been full time caregivers for our Grandfather. Up to that point I had filled in to cook for him or spend the day with him when the time was needed. He had a been a very capable man, strong as an Ox and never-ever accepting any help. In June some things changed in his life very quickly and the three of us took over.

This is one of those things that you jump into with both feet, full speed ahead and then part way through find yourself shaking your head like a scared little kid saying over and over, "...I can't do this, I can't do this..."

Then...you snap out of it and become the woman God created you to be, and you do it. No matter what it is, you just do it.

I have experienced these feelings before, mostly with my son Hayden, but a few other times as well. Sometimes it takes me a minute to step through that fire ring that fear laid in front of you, but you do. We all do...

My Grandfather and cousin are intensely private people and because of that I have not shared too much of this journey, but it is a journey and it is a part of my life that I want and need to remember. We have gone through many stages over the past 6 months, and the two years prior that led up to this point. I developed a different relationship with a man that I once respected with and hint of fear and now I respect with an intense amount of compassion.

I will continue to respect his privacy and the privacy of my family, but I will be doing a photo journal.On my Mornings, Day's or Evenings with Pop I plan to take pictures of the things that strike me in that moment.

If you have ever been a care taker for someone you love, you know that this journey can be intense, uplifting, heartbreaking and just plain hard at times. There are even small moments where you feel anger and frustration..never with the "person" your caring for but for what is happening to them.

My back porch view....

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Committed to Me for 2012

POST EDIT: LIGHTENED UP A BIT.....This year, 2012, I have decided that it is time to be "more me". The Me who makes me happy, the Me that wants to live more creatively, the Me who wants to paint her mantel Blue instead of the accepted white. The Me who creates from my heart and not to try to create something that I think it will make someone else happy.

A "Truer" Me
A more "Complete" Me

I want to work towards being the Me that ultimately makes me the most happy and not always the one that makes everyone else happy.
I also want to be a more aaccountable Me to the things that make me happy.

I will continue to be the Me who is confident, and confident in myself. I will continue to speak from my heart and give 100% to the ones I love.  I will continue to be the Me who loves BIG and gives as much of myself as I can. I will continue to be the Me who is FILLED to the brim with pride in my children and the Me who sees the beautiful amid the chaos.

I will not however be the Me who gets a half sleeve tattoo with all my hearts desires on it. My husband threatened divorce if I decided to live my life that openly...he is a little more reserved than me. All American Apple Pie and Baseball kinda guy. Not a big fan of living outside the box...not even with one foot outside the box. lol...

So...for myself and for the entire world to read...here are some of my Big Plans for 2012.

Be true to myself

Be Happier with my Physical appearance
(lose weight #1 on that list)...if you read yesterday you know I am on my way with that one.

Create what makes MY heart sing....
I want to make and sell more of my creations and designs that make ME happy, not things I have created because I think it "needs to be like this so somebody will like it...." No more filler...just ME!

Photo Journal my time with Pop
(read my post tomorrow....)

Photo a day for the entire year
always wanted to do thi 365 project

More Pictures....

Scrapbook more often
....seems like a silly thing to "commit" too, but my life, right? And not everything needs to be so "heavy"...lol.

Actually Print the pictures I take
my pictures are like that commercial of the kid halfway off the diving board...on a flash drive but not on paper.
Send more Snail Mail
because I love to get mail and not the kind that is demanding $$

Commit to more time alone with my husband
Commit more time to my Faith and beliefs

Tackle my "personal" dreams! and hold myself Accountable for what I truly want!

Have Fun and be happy doing all of the above...

Post EDIT:
Forgot to include...
Sew more...

Wear more skirts..
(because they make me happy and hide my thighs:)

Possibly become a vegetarian...
(meat makes my tummy NOT happy...TMI?? lol)

Attend more Art retreats...

so...I noticed this morning that I lost a "follower" after this post....lol. OOPS...sorry you didn't want to hang out for the fun!

Good times ahead people!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Motivated for 2012

Even though I have been living by Pooh's motto of
"I am short and fat and proud of that..."
...it is time for some changes!

Every year in January people decided that they are going to either "lose weight", "eat healthier", or exercise more"....I am one of them!

I have done it before...lost 50+ pounds in 2007-2008.. Took 1 year, lots of hard work and major discipline, but I did it!!! I was so happy, felt so strong and knew I was healthy. Since we closed our shop in August of 2010 I have gained 25 pounds...that is half of what I lost! I am very disappointed in myself! I can't think of one single meal or one single glass of wine that was worth that weight gain! None of it tasted as good as the feeling I had when I passed my goal weight so long ago. Well....one meal might have been worth it....authentic Carne Asada with my BFF in CA. Authentic...seriously!

I have once again mastered the art of NOT looking at myself in any mirror. I can even blow my hair dry without really "looking"...I hate my fat arms!

My cute clothes don't fit as comfortable as they once did...and I am NOT buying larger sizes. NO WAY

AND! I found myself out of breath after walking up the stairs to the Dr's office the other day! RIDICULOUS!!!

So!!! Today is the 3rd or January - it is the coldest day of the winter so far - and I am starting my journey again!


Plus...the stomach flu helped to give me that jump start!
Monday, January 2, 2012
Happy New Year!!
I hope your New Year has started off Merry and Bright!!!
Mine started off with the stomach flu....YUCKKK!!
However....the bright side is that I have a jump start on my weight loss goal!

There is always a silver lining right?????