POST EDIT: LIGHTENED UP A BIT.....This year, 2012, I have decided that it is time to be "more me". The Me who makes me happy, the Me that wants to live more creatively, the Me who wants to paint her mantel Blue instead of the accepted white. The Me who creates from my heart and not to try to create something that I think it will make someone else happy.
A "Truer" Me
A more "Complete" Me
I want to work towards being the Me that ultimately makes me the most happy and not always the one that makes everyone else happy.
I also want to be a more aaccountable Me to the things that make me happy.
I will continue to be the Me who is confident, and confident in myself. I will continue to speak from my heart and give 100% to the ones I love. I will continue to be the Me who loves BIG and gives as much of myself as I can. I will continue to be the Me who is FILLED to the brim with pride in my children and the Me who sees the beautiful amid the chaos.
I will not however be the Me who gets a half sleeve tattoo with all my hearts desires on it. My husband threatened divorce if I decided to live my life that openly...he is a little more reserved than me. All American Apple Pie and Baseball kinda guy. Not a big fan of living outside the box...not even with one foot outside the box. lol...
So...for myself and for the entire world to are some of my Big Plans for 2012.
Be true to myself
Be Happier with my Physical appearance
(lose weight #1 on that list)...if you read yesterday you know I am on my way with that one.
Create what makes MY heart sing....
I want to make and sell more of my creations and designs that make ME happy, not things I have created because I think it "needs to be like this so somebody will like it...." No more filler...just ME!
Photo Journal my time with Pop
(read my post tomorrow....)
Photo a day for the entire year
always wanted to do thi 365 project
More Pictures....
Scrapbook more often
....seems like a silly thing to "commit" too, but my life, right? And not everything needs to be so "heavy"
Actually Print the pictures I take
my pictures are like that commercial of the kid halfway off the diving board...on a flash drive but not on paper.
Send more Snail Mail
because I love to get mail and not the kind that is demanding $$
Commit to more time alone with my husband
Commit more time to my Faith and beliefs
Tackle my "personal" dreams! and hold myself Accountable for what I truly want!
Have Fun and be happy doing all of the above...
Post EDIT:
Forgot to include...
Sew more...
Wear more skirts..
(because they make me happy and hide my thighs:)
Possibly become a vegetarian...
(meat makes my tummy NOT happy...TMI?? lol)
Attend more Art retreats...
so...I noticed this morning that I lost a "follower" after this OOPS...sorry you didn't want to hang out for the fun!
Good times ahead people!