Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Game Day

Today was the first game for the Southern JV Softball team....My girl, starting Shortstop! I talk so much about my little Lily because she is "my" girl...but my first girl, the most beautiful blonde, blue eyed girl that I was blessed to bring to this earth....she is the athlete. She is the talent that makes you sick because it comes with so much ease.....she is her Daddy's girl. HIS talent, his ease....I won't lie...I am jealous some times that she doesn't like glitter as much as I do...

BUT, she is AWESOME....she is UN-BELIEVABLE!!!
This is the face of an AWESOME - SUPER excited girl!!!!

Love her!!! So excited to see her playing in the first game of her high school "career" many days and games to come!! The best is yet to come!!!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A moment of Bliss

This is one of my favorite pictures...
I look at it this picture and realize that no matter what "things" I create with my trinkets in my craft room....this is one of the most beautiful creations I have ever created.

Perfect little nose
Perfect little lips
Perfect little fingers and toes..
I am awestruck by the blessings that have been bestowed upon me...
Friday, March 4, 2011

March is for Crafters - Giveaway

I am welcoming March with open arms because not only is it one month closer to the Summer Sun, but did you know it is also National Craft Month??

Of course you did, your a craft addict like me!!!

During the OWOH (One World One Heart)  I met so many wonderful new people and several of them decided to follow along in my Crazy crafty little I am offering another giveaway!

Would you like to win?? It  is pretty simple! Leave me a comment and your entered! If you are already one of my followers, you have an entry in already! If your not a follower, and you want to have an extra chance...just join me, as a new follower and I will enter you again!

So...that means!
Leave me a comment = one entry
Already following me = one entry
Join me = one entry

Pretty simple!

And what will you receive???

This sweet little jar of goodies!!

A petite little mason jar filled with little goodies...petite fabric and paper flowers, a petite ballerina, beads, buttons, ribbons, etc. Just simple little goodies!